"A writer is someone who has taught his mind to misbehave."
Oscar Wilde
"When in doubt, have a man come through the door with a gun in his hand."
Raymond Chandler
At the age of twelve, Sarina (Scarlett) got her first story idea one night and couldn't sleep until she turned her bedside lamp back on at 3am and scribbled it all down. Also at age twelve, she found a copy of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on the downstairs bookshelf amongst a pile of books that her dad barely remembered once getting second hand from someone.
Over the years she has meandered through different genres including fantasy, horror, action, and crime, always circling back around to her foremost love of mystery. From flash fiction through short stories to novellas and longer forms, her earlier writing scored a handful of publications under a previous pseudonym (you can ask, but I might have to thrill you). Nowadays, alongside assorted writing projects (stay tuned!), she runs a mystery games club in her hometown of Sydney, Australia for which she designs and hosts her own events.
Find on this site a collection of her recent fiction, still spanning various genres but often with a mystery element, joined by the occasional poem. Also find materials and instructions for her playable content, both long story-based solvable cases and shorter puzzle-based challenges.

Why is a raven like a writing desk? 'Tis an answer upon which I shall write nevermore.